Shop Assistant product selectors make guided selling easy

Shop Assistant is a guided selling tool that helps online shoppers navigate their way through the maze of product information and specifications to find and buy the product that’s right for them. This results in higher conversion rates, more sales and of course happier customers.


Find out what the customer wants, and how they intend to use the product.


Understand what the customer’s choices actually mean in terms of product information and specifications.


Based on that understanding, recommend only products that fit the customer’s needs.


Connect the customer to your existing e-commerce site or pass the sales lead on to your retailers.

Shop Assistant - Create

The cost-effective, easy to implement option for adding a guided selling tool to your e-commerce website. Increasing conversion rates on your e-commerce site could hardly be easier or cheaper.

Shop Assistant - Premium

The custom-built option that is tailor-made just for you, with a user interface designed to meet your specific requirements. Best used for complex products with multiple components and or configurations.

Shop Assistant can be used with any modern e-commerce platform

What people have said about Shop Assistant

Read our “Bringing the human touch experience to the online world” white paper for more information.

  • Bricks & mortar vs. the online world
  • Adding the “human touch” to increase conversions online
  • What product categories does Guide Selling suit?
  • Personalised online shopping
  • Creating the human touch online
  • Impact on conversion rates
  • Shop Assistant from Wired.

Shop Assistant was created by Wired Internet Group

Wired Internet Group began building websites and applications back in 1995. Our underlying principle is that online business success is driven by the site user. This means that your site must meet your customers’ needs, and the journey in delivering it must be as painless as possible. If it hurts, you’re over-complicating things.

Partner with us

Our Shop Assistant technology is the perfect complement to e-commerce systems. You can easily incorporate our solution to boost the conversion rate on your client sites and share the install fee. This gives you a unique value proposition for your customers by extending your own services. Your customers benefit from improved conversion rates and more satisfied customers.

Adding value to your service

Help your clients improve conversions on their websites and boost revenue with a guided selling tool.

Helping your customers

Customer success is our goal, and we can help you achieve it. In return, we give you a share of the install fee and the ongoing monthly charge.